Ingreso en la Real Academia de Doctores

¿Qué es una Real Academia?

Esta fue la primera pregunta que me hicieron mis hijos cuando les comenté que debían asistir a una ceremonia oficial y centenaria, en que me harían el honor de ser admitido como Académico Correspondiente de la Real Academia Europea de Doctores en España. Esta misma pregunta se reitera con cierta frecuencia en los países que visito y que no tenemos historia de realeza: la experiencia más cercana con Reales Academias las vivimos cada año con las entregas de los premios Nobel (Real Academia Sueca) o con el uso del inigualable diccionario de la RAE (Real Academia de la Lengua Española).

Como bien lo define el Presidente de nuestra Real Academia Europea de Doctores (RAED), Dr. Alfredo Rocaforto, esto no se trata de obtener el título honorífico de «Excelentísimo Sr. Dr.»: se trata de una condición vitalicia que te recuerda la responsabilidad que tienes al representar y aportar al desarrollo de conocimiento original, y de nivel doctoral.

Imagen: ingreso a la RAED.

The Royal Academy of Doctors

With his discourse «Determinants of Strategic Thinking Schools of East and West and their contribution to the Management in Organizations of the XXIth Century» Dr. Francisco J. Garrido was admitted in the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (EU). The author shows in his work as a redefinition of the overall convergent strategy view for the XXI Century is a necessary strategic training both integrative and convergent for business leaders in the contemporary world.

Likewise, the work examined the problem of convergence and training from the perspective of leaders trained in the best business schools in the world (from the perspective of the collection «What is learned in the best world MBA’s» that he directs since 2009 in Editorial Planeta of Spain) and from opinions of those in positions of responsibility in World Class companies (developed in his consulting group in Chile and Spain). The author notes the need to move fast on the training needs of managerial level as globally are showing gaps and needs to show a geometric progression in the qualitative, quantitative, ethical and moral forms.

Dr. Garrido insists on a central consideration in its works: the right strategic training of all time, adjusted to the needs of women and directors of XXI Century CEO’s and Managers, can be a source of wealth and sustainable value over time and warns that superficial strategic training -guided primarily or exclusively for commercial, speculative or simplistic desire- will only what has already been demonstrated in many of the cases of destruction of overall value: for example, the crisis that we have seen in the form of global economic disasters of the recent decades, enhancing poorly thought out ideas and finished worse. Given this overall picture that “affects the modeling of a certain future to present value” (Garrido, 2012) is not but surrender to education and make decisions makers in the XXI Century.

The Dr. Garrido act in to the Royal Academy was published in the official news paper of Spain and his speech was applauded by the 200 attending the ceremony last March 5, 2015, in the presence of his family, friends, colleagues and postgraduate students.


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